5 Best Ways To Improve Search Engine Ranking In 2022

Have you noticed whenever you type something to search, Google places numerous results in front of you? But have you ever wondered why those results are in that sequence? They are all in that sequence because of the google website ranking of that particular website or webpage. Search Engine Ranking refers to all the algorithms and processes used by search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. to choose where a website or webpage containing content about searched keywords should appear. Higher visibility content may appear right on the top and less visibility will appear on page 2 or 3 and so on. `

Search Engine Ranking

People all around the globe depend on search engines to search for products or services they need. Consumers will also turn toward search engines for all their purchases. Various studies have shown that people try to click most on the first 3 search results, but making businesses reach those spots is not so easy. A lot of hard work and a robust SEO strategy is needed to rank up top on your targeted keyword. Hobocult, the best Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi, specializes in SEO and digital marketing, which is why we have brought the 5 best ways to improve search engine ranking:

  • Identify Your Target Keywords

    SEO is all about keywords and working relentlessly towards them. If you choose the wrong keywords, then your SEO hard work is doomed. Research around keywords will determine the success of your search engine optimization effort. The best way is to go for body and long-tail keywords. For example, rather than going for SEO, you can target the SEO course or SEO course in Delhi. One-word keywords are mostly categorized in the head keyword section. Body and long-tail keywords are with more phrases and are more narrowed down. They even have low search volumes and with few months of hard work and a great SEO strategy, you can achieve tremendous results around that keyword.

Another example is if you are a nursery located in Noida. Then going to the nursery will be a foolish idea because that targets the entire world. Rather, you can go for ‘nursery in Noida’, or ‘best nursery in Noida’, or ‘Noida nursery’.

  • Improve SEO

    There are so many businesses that ignore their SEO just because they think it is not important. SEO makes you shift from being showed up on page 3 of the search results to the top listing of search results. To improve SEO, follow these points every time you post something and you will see the improvement in your search engine ranking:

  1. Pick one keyword per page – Do not confuse the search engine. For example, for this piece of content, we chose ‘best tips to improve your search rankings.
  2. Write a search-engine-friendly title tag.
  3. Avoid numbers while creating the URL of the page. Also, avoid underscores ‘_’.
  4. Highlight the benefit of your post in the meta description.
  5. Clear your topic in the first 100-150 words of the post.
  • Improve Content Strategy

    The best way to improve your content strategy is to include a blog section on your website. You can regularly add valuable content to your website through the blog section. Search engines love the website with regularly updated content because they provide value to the end-user, the customers.

Spread your blog posts across all social media. This will help you in driving more traffic to your website, increase your website ranking, and thus more chance of converting leads to sales and revenue. Try to address questions, queries or add value to viewers rather than just promoting things on your blog section.

  • Improve The Links 

    One of the most important things to improve search engine ranking is the links. Pages with high-quality links linking back to them will rank higher in the search results. Wrong and low-quality links can hinder your website and may even penalize it. Google regularly updates its policies and algorithm to understand the best and high-quality links in an attempt to make its search results more honest to the end-users.

The two best ways to attract great links are guest posting and infographics. Focus on quality rather than quantity. For example, if Forbes, Vogue, etc. Links back to you twice or thrice, they will have more authority over smaller pages that link back to you twenty times. So, quality over quantity in link building is important. No agency can rank up your site overnight and if somebody says so, it’s time to quit them out and find some other SEO professionals.

  • Monitor Your Performance and Optimize SEO Efforts Constantly 

    If you think, once you set up SEO and it will do the work, you are wrong. SEO needs to be monitored regularly. Its keywords and rankings should be studies and with analysis, it must be decided if the right results are coming or not. If you have targeted 5 keywords and see great growth on 3 and very low on 2, it is advisable that you focus entirely on those 3 keywords rather than investing in the other 2.

When you reach on top, it will take more effort to be there. Thinking that once you reached the top-ranking and should stop doing SEO will be the biggest mistake ever. There will be pages constantly working hard on the same keywords you are working on and in the blink of an eye can take your place if you ease up your SEO.

Those were the 5 best ways to increase search engine ranking in 2021 but they will be valid for many years to come because they are the building blocks of SEO. If you are struggling with your ranking and want to rank higher, drive more sales and revenue, then feel free to call us and we will solve all your confusion.

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